As part of our long-term commitment to support the needy families in one of the most underprivileged areas of Piraeus, the Greek Sathya Sai Service Team constantly examines worthwhile cases where a Sai Challenge can be performed. In this project we undertook the restoration of a leaky roof.

How we came to know Anna

Since 2006, every first Saturday of each month, Anna came to the church where we distributed food provisions to the needy families of the area, to collect her share. She was in her fifties, but looked much older, probably because of the hardships that she has endured in her life. Her face was full of kindness, though; her speech was sweet and she never complained or demanded anything.

One day, after we had finished distributing the bags of food and were driving away, we saw Anna standing at the corner with her provisions in hand. We stopped the car and asked, “Anna, is anything wrong? Do you need help?” Breathing heavily, she responded, “No, everything is OK, I am taking a shortcut by climbing the hill.” We offered to drive her home, and she accepted. Her small house was perched on the top of a steep hill, much like an eagle’s nest. She lived with her husband who was two decades older than her, and her son who was continually unemployed.

The decision to help

One Saturday Anna did not show up, and another lady accepted her provisions and promised to give them to her later. The following month we looked all over the place for Anna, but her gentle figure did not appear. We were told that she had gotten sick, so we drove straight to her house where we were most welcomed. Anna’s feet could not support her anymore, so we started carrying the provisions right to her door.

Once we brought her blankets and warm clothes. “This is my son’s warm sweater, Anna. Do you like it?” we asked. She said “Oh yes, it is very nice. It doesn't matter at all that it’s a man’s sweater; it will keep me very warm.” And her words, sweet as honey, warmed our hearts like the sun, sealing our commitment to be of service to this family.

The restoration project

The shack was without power or water supply. A small generator provided light, while the water was fetched from the nearest neighbouring house. On inspecting the house we found that several buckets were placed strategically on the kitchen floor so as to collect the rain water that leaked from the roof, when it rained.

As the biggest need was the leaky roof, the repair team inspected the roof and prepared the restoration works. The panels and all necessary materials were obtained and transported to the site in early January. All the volunteers were in touch. Due to the bad weather conditions the project was postponed several times. Eventually, with the weather on our side, works began on Saturday the 12th of February 2011. Eight Sai members, four adults and four youths, plus one non-member, met at Anna’s house.

Both the old roof and all ruined wood panels were removed. New panels were measured and cut, while new beams were installed as a means of supporting the roof. Finally, the connection gaps were sealed using cement, silicone and polyurethane.

Everybody worked nonstop from the early morning hours until dark, to make sure the project was completed.

At the end of the day, Anna’s face was full of joy, and we received numerous thanks and blessings. Her tired hands would not have to empty buckets full of rainwater anymore, and the cold would not creep inside the house. Her joy was the best reward we could ever receive for our efforts.

Anna has been such a positive example to us: regardless of her hardships, she has always been full of fortitude and patience. She has always performed her duties as wife and mother faithfully and with complete sacrifice, and her inner light and warmth shine in her modest home. Our acquaintance with her has brought forth the realisation that she must be very dear to God and that we are but His instruments, put to work in order to make her life a little easier.

(Anna’s husband recently passed away.)

Additional Info


Project Details

Project start: 02/12/11

Project completion: 02/12/11

Stage of development:

Zone name: South Europe

Lat/Longitude: 37° 58' N 23° 35' E

Affiliation: Sathya Sai Organization of Greece

Service category: Home building/repair

Author: Sevasti Anagnostou

Project leader: Costas Kondylis

The original leaky roof

The new roof

Replacing the roof panels